Project Manager

contract of stable, long-term employment and cooperation
attractive salary
possibility of being a co-author of software or patent
working on practical and holistic projects
direct contact with foreign clients
various, interesting projects in many new technologies and frameworks
different career paths to choose from, trainings and development programs
travelling abroad for the project implementations (United States, Europe, Asia)
working in a multicultural team of young, open-minded people
access to UDEMY - educational training platform
integrational meetings and parties - friendly atmosphere and comfortable working conditions in a modern office in the centre of Lublin
additional benefits: medical care, insurance, Multisport and others
oversee as well as participate with a team in the development effort of software products
assist in the development of technical specifications for product features and advancement
cooperation with other teams - programmers, testers, designers, etc ...
current development and maintenance of the technical documentation
cooperation in analyzing customers’ requirements and estimating the needed time work
cooperation in implementing and maintaining application with customers
Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related
working knowledge of the English language
3-5 years’ experience in project management or technical leadership
full-stack experience a plus
good knowledge of algorithms and data structures
general knowledge about Agile management methodologies and the stages of software development
ability to solve complex technical problems
analytical thinking
ability to collaborate with others and good communication skills
interest in new technologies and the motivation of the interesting challenges

więcej ofert:

Prosimy o załączenie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez News Hub Media Sp. z o. o. z siedzibą przy ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 55b, 20-016 Lublin dla potrzeb obecnych oraz przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych, zgodnie z Ustawą z dn. 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych, tekst jednolity: Dz. U. 2016 r. poz. 922, z późn. zm. Wyrażenie zgody na przetwarzanie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne. Zgoda może być wycofana pisemnie w każdym czasie bez podania przyczyny. Niniejszym oświadczam, że mam świadomość o prawie dostępu do treści moich danych osobowych oraz możliwości ich poprawiania i aktualizowania.

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